Learning and Teaching Vision for 2020-2024
A new year and a new decade are the perfect opportunity to launch a new vision regarding Learning and Teaching at Macquarie University.

Professional reading for learning and teaching
What we've been reading for work in Learning and Teaching.

Learn more about our Speakers
Learn more about our Speakers who will be presenting at our inaugural ‘Educating for Success: 2020’ event on 6 February. This event will focus on 3 key themes: Learner Engagement, Technology Enhanced Learning and Feedback/Assessment.

CAULLT funding round now open
The Council of Australasian University Leaders in Learning and Teaching has opened its first funding round for 2020 for Australian university learning and teaching projects.

iLearn Drop-in Clinic for Session 1, 2020
iLearn Drop-in Clinic is back in the lead up to and start of S1 (10th February – 28th February 2020). Get customised help with iLearn, iTeach, Echo360, Turnitin and Feedback Studio and get questions answered about all other MQ learning...

Writing more, writing often
Want to write more and often in 2020? Join us for weekly Shut Up and Write sessions at the Learning Innovation Hub.

We all teach here.
Even if you don’t call yourself a teacher, or you’re not in a formal teaching role, you're probably still involved in teaching.

ASCILITE Award Winner
Shamim Joarder received an Innovation award at the annual 2019 ASCILITE Conference in Singapore.

Welcome back to Teche in 2020
Opportunities for contemplation, discussion and activation.