Experiments in teaching: shaking up teamwork, assessment and feedback
Nandini Kumar (Accounting and Corporate Governance) has a passion for teaching which drives her to constantly experiment with techniques to engage students and ensure they have the skills to succeed.

Managing student teamwork
Student team projects can be challenging. The Contemporary Approaches to University Teaching MOOC provides strategies for facilitating effective teamwork for student projects.

Your opportunity to observe teaching [and teachers] in action
Open for Observation: Experienced educators across the university are opening their classes for teaching & learning support colleagues to observe and learn.

Academic Senate Top 5, 27 February 2024
Macquarie University's Academic Senate convened for its first meeting of the year on February 27th. Check out the top 5 items from this meeting.

Take your unit design and delivery to the next level – to benefit all your students – with UDL
Embrace Universal Design for Learning (UDL) principles to enhance your unit design, make learning activities seamlessly accessible for all students and reduce the need for reasonable adjustments.

What creative writing can tell us about teaching in higher education
Creative writing teaches students to pay attention to words, to take risks and perhaps even surprise themselves.

I ask students ‘why?’ (more often) in the era of ChatGPT
Patricia Koromvokis is fostering students' critical thinking skills by constantly asking them to explain 'why?'.

Authentic Assessment
Tasks representative of the complexity encountered in the discipline and professional practice.

Congratulations to our AAUT winners for 2023!
Our 2023 Australian Awards for University Teaching (AAUT) winners from Macquarie have enhanced student learning and been recognised on a national level.