Over a cuppa: prompts to reflect on learning and teaching – the 5th sip!
What is in your reflection toolkit?

Learning & Teaching Podcast Discussion Club (April)
The Learning & Teaching Podcast Discussion Club is like a book club... but with podcasts. Join our April discussion.

Over a cuppa: prompts to reflect on learning and teaching- the 4th sip!
Lenses for reflection.

Kindness as push-back and designing for care
Dr Charlotte Overgaard and Dr Jacqueline Mackaway are on a mission to promote kindness as a teaching practice.

Over a cuppa: prompts to reflect on learning and teaching- the third sip!
What are your intentions for your teaching?

Makerspaces are ready for the taking!
Get creative and hands-on with your students in these workshop/project rooms.

Award-winning trifecta!
Congratulations to our award winning educators, Professor Matt Bower, Associate Professor Tiffany Jones and Alexandra Bhatti.

Learning and Teaching Podcast Discussion Club
The Learning and Teaching Podcast Discussion Club is like a book club... but with podcasts!

Active learning at Macquarie
A quick tour through the ways we've engaged with active learning over the last few years.