Results for: abcs of pedagogy
Make teaching development part of your game plan
Professional development for teaching: Here's what's on offer in 2024.
Do you have a travel plan for your academic journey?
Here's a travel guide to top teaching development destinations for you to explore.
Collaborative learning: Harnessing student interactions for deep learning
The Contemporary Approaches to University Teaching MOOC provides practical ideas for collaborative learning activities in the classroom.
Learning theories
How does collaborative meaning making align with your values as a teacher?
Over a cuppa: prompts to reflect on learning and teaching #16 – Tending your reflection garden
Focus your reflective skills toward yourself!
Using a flipped approach with dialogic learning: Fostering collaboration and knowledge construction
Melissa Reed and Philip Chappell (Linguistics) explain their strategy for encouraging deep learning in a flipped classroom.
We can all be leaders of learning and teaching
While you may not be in a formal leadership role, you may still be a leader of learning and teaching
Seven habits for being a more effective hybrid lecturer
Dr Josephine Chau (Health Sciences) researched possible solutions to the challenge of teaching synchronously in-person and online. Here are her findings.