Whether you’re new to teaching at MQ, an experienced teacher wanting some technology tips, or you’re ready to undertake some more structured professional learning – we’ll support you to achieve your teaching development goals with facilitated and self-paced programs, workshops and resources.

Bookmark this article for reference as it will be updated regularly.

What’s on in teaching development

Click on the headings below to reveal what is on offer for teaching development.

Facilitated programs and workshops
TitleDescriptionHow to accessDuration
Active learning: Boost student engagement in lectures & tutorialsPractical techniques for energising tutorials, workshops, and seminars, making learning more dynamic.In-person workshop.

Register 20 September 12.00-1.30pm
90 minutes
AI as your time saving and creative teaching assistantUseful examples for using AI to streamline lesson planning, improve the quality of explanations and examples, and improve the flow of the teaching session. In-person workshop.

Register 12 August 11.00am-12.30pm

Register 24 September 2.00-3.30pm

Register 1 November 12.00-1.30pm
90 minutes
Beginning to Teach Program (BTT)BTT is an online program designed to develop the teaching capability of those with limited or no experience of university teaching. The program includes an opportunity for participants to plan, facilitate and evaluate a short (‘micro’) teaching session and receive peer feedback. Read more about the BTT program and express your interest to participate.

Next offered Session 2 2024 11am-1pm on the following dates: 25/26 June, 1 July, 4 July, 9 July
Total participation time is 15 hours (includes 4 x 2-hour facilitated sessions)
Effective student feedback: Strategies for markers and convenorsPreemptive feedback methods to significantly impact student learning without additional marking.Register for 28 September 12.00-1.30pm90 minutes
Feedback strategies to boost student achievement: For tutorsStrategies tutors can use to give constructive feedback that motivates and guides students, enhancing their learning experience.New workshop dates coming soon.90 minutes
Feedback Studio and Rubrics WorkshopLearn how to set up and use the features in Feedback Studio (including QuickMarks and Rubrics) to provide feedback to students.
Workshops will be held over Zoom.

Register for 14 August 10.30-12.00pm

Register for 29 August 10.30-12.00pm

Or there’s this self-paced Feedback Studio module and this Rubrics Module available anytime (via Workday).
90 minutes
iLearn Basics for Unit ConvenorsThis workshop provides a hands-on introduction to using iLearn: navigating, adding & editing content, posting announcements, using forums and the dialogue tool.Workshops will be held over Zoom.

Register for 10 July 10.30-12.00pm

Register for 18 July 10.30-12.00pm

Or there’s this self-paced iLearn basics for Convenors module available anytime (via iLearn)
90 minutes
iLearn Gradebook WorkshopLearn how to utilise the functions of Gradebook to manage student grades and information in your iLearn unit.
Workshop will be held over Zoom.

Register for 7 August 10-11.30am

Or there’s this self-paced Gradebook module available anytime (via Workday)
90 minutes
Introduction to SoTL: Launching your scholarship of learning & teaching journeyUtilise your existing research skills to investigate SoTL topics and share practices. Gain insights into producing impactful SoTL work that can enhance your teaching, earn recognition, and make an impact in the educational community.In-person workshop

Register 23 October 12.00-1.30pm
90 minutes
Managing classroom behaviour: Solutions for maintaining a positive environmentPractical advice and techniques for maintaining a positive, respectful and productive classroom environment.In-person workshop.

Register 13 August 12.00-1.30pm

Register 26 September 2.00-3.30pm
90 Minutes
Start strong: Proven tactics for early student engagementLearn how to inspire and maintain student interest from the first class onward.In-person workshop.

Register for 18 July 12.00-1.30pm

Register for 24 July 12.00-1.30pm
90 minutes
Teaching in iLearn for TutorsThis workshop provides an overview of iLearn, how to access student work online, use forums and make announcements. Ideal for casual academic tutors or teaching assistants who are not responsible for building or editing content but need to access student work in iLearn such as online assignments, quizzes and forums.Workshop will be held over Zoom.

Register for 6 August 10.30-12.00pm

Or there’s this this self-paced module available anytime (via iLearn).
Workshop 90 minutes.

Module 60 minutes
Self-paced professional learning: Access anytime

Go at your own pace with these learning modules and resources.

Some of these are accessible via Workday, Macquarie’s HR system – log in to Workday using your OneID and then look under ‘Topics’ to view all of the learning and teaching modules.

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TitleDescriptionHow to accessDuration
Academic Integrity Module for Staff (Foundation)An overview of academic integrity for teaching staff.Via Workday45 minutes
Academic Integrity Module for Staff (Advanced)This module is recommended for all staff who manage academic integrity matters. It covers:
* Fostering a culture of academic integrity across the faculty
* Assessment and academic integrity
* Detecting breaches
* Managing suspected breaches
Via Workday 1 hour
Active Learning 1: A ‘starter pack’This module covers the basics for implementing active learning in your classroom: popular low-stakes techniques, key literature findings and practical tips on using MQ-supported technologies. 

iLearn module45 minutes
Active Learning 2: AdvancedExplore advanced active learning techniques for your classroom. Find practical suggestions for tackling common issues with active learning.iLearn module45 minutes
Design for PowerPointExplore effective presentation slide design for educators. Guidelines and examples demonstrate how presentation slides can be enhanced for professional, clear and engaged learning in face-to-face and online classes.iLearn moduleFrom 20 minutes up to 4 hours
Echo360 Universal CaptureLearn how to create, edit, upload and share your own recorded media using Echo360 Universal Capture software.Via Workday35 minutes
Enhance your Online Presence (video series)Get ready to present your best self for online teaching, whether you are running classes via Zoom or recording lectures. This series of short videos, called ‘Discover your voice’ and ‘Discover your online presence’, was created by an experienced voice coach. Also great for students creating online presentations or videos.Discover your voice and online presence series5 minutes each
Feedback for Student LearningKey principles for impactful feedback: what makes feedback impactful, what to include in feedback and how to structure it. Practical strategies for markers, teachers, and unit convenors.iLearn Module20-60 minutes
Foundations for Inclusive TeachingEnhance your awareness of student diversity and the policies and strategies for inclusive teaching at MQ. Extend your knowledge of inclusive teaching principles, scholarship and practices. Access resources to support MQ staff and student learning and wellbeing.Access via Workday90 minutes
iLearn Basics for Unit ConvenorsIntroduces the basic features of iLearn you will need to use as a Unit Convenor. This self-paced module is equivalent to the face-to-face iLearn Basics for Unit Convenors workshop.Register90 minutes
iLearn – GradebookLearn the features and functionality of the iLearn Gradebook. This training is equivalent to the face to face iLearn Gradebook workshop.Register90 minutes
iLearn for tutors – teaching and grading in iLearnAn introduction for Tutors on the features you will use in iLearn. This self-paced module is equivalent to the face to face Teaching in iLearn for Tutors workshop.Register40 minutes
Introduction to MQ’s Curriculum Management System (MQCMS)For anyone needing to use or work with the MQCMS: what it’s used for, information flow, approval process, searching information, making unit or course amendments.Access via Workday1 hour
Learning and Teaching Staff Induction ModuleFor new commencing MQ L&T staff. Get the rundown on all the important learning and teaching things you need to know when you first commence at Macquarie.

Casual staff in FMHHS should complete this version.
Access via Workday35 minutes
Marking and Giving FeedbackA short Q&A activity to help staff marking and giving feedback for the first time.Access activity5 minutes
Online Learning Design for Educators

(Coursera for MQ specialisation)
Improve your online teaching skills: design, develop and deliver effective and engaging online learning experiences. There are 3 courses:
1: Online Education – the foundations of online teaching
2: Create video, audio & infographics for online learning
3: Online teaching – using Zoom to connect with learners.
You can audit to view the materials, enrol in just 1 course, or complete all 3.
MQ staff can register for free via Coursera for MQ15 hours per course or 3-4 months to complete the full specialisation
Preventing and managing disruptive behaviour in the classroomThis module explores common reasons for disruptive behaviour in university classrooms and provides practical strategies for preventing and responding to disruptive behaviour.Access via Workday60 minutes
Quick Guides for learning and teachingBite sized chunks of learning and teaching theory and practice – a quick read at just 1-A4 page each.Quick Guides site5 min read
Technologies and Tools: Quick guides on everything!The Technologies and tools website has information and quick guides on all of the learning technologies and tools available to support learning and teaching.Technologies and Tools Intranet siteVarious
Turnitin: Feedback StudioLearn how to use the different features of Feedback Studio to provide students with assignment grades and feedback, including QuickMarks, general comments and a rubric.Via Workday45 minutes
Turnitin: RubricsThis module provides an overview of the different types of rubrics you can create in Turnitin, shows you how to create and share a rubric.Via Workday30 minutes
Using iLearn and other learning technology and tools (workshops)A series of specialised workshops to support all staff in using our learning technologies. Includes iLearn Basics, using Gradebook, Feedback Studio, Rubrics and Echo360. Targeted workshops for tutors and unit convenors.Workshops on Teche Events90 minutes
Zoom for TeachingLearn how to set up and work with – and in – Zoom for learning and teaching: practical tips and techniques, using basic Zoom functions, recommended set-up options, tweaking default options and how to make your Zoom teaching sessions more interactive and engaging.iLearn Module45 minutes
Workshops on demand

If you have a group of 15 or more with a specific training requirement, related to learning and teaching at Macquarie, we can facilitate a targeted workshop.

Contact professional.learning@mq.edu.au if you would like us to facilitate one of these workshops for your Department/Faculty.

See below for topics available.

Active LearningWorkshop aims: (i) raise awareness of active learning techniques, (ii) support teaching staff in finding practical solutions to their teaching ‘pain points’; (iii) create small communities of practice; (iv) support staff in implementing practical changes to their teaching. Customisable for your discipline.
AI as a teaching assistantUncover the power of AI in the classroom with this hands-on workshop. Use AI to develop relatable explanations and everyday metaphors, create engaging case studies and role plays, and design quizzes that help and guide your students. Make teaching easier and more effective with AI. Customisable for your discipline.
Blended synchronous teachingTeaching students on and off campus simultaneously using Zoom or Echo360. This workshop shares evidence–based resources and strategies for effective design and delivery of blended synchronous classes.
Evidencing your teaching practiceThis workshop covers evidence, scholarship and reflection to demonstrate your teaching and leadership practices for multiple purposes including awards, fellowships and grants.
Feedback to studentsThis workshop focuses on providing impactful feedback to students. It is relevant to unit convenors as well as casual markers and aims to highlight practical solutions and extend teachers’ sustainable feedback repertoire.
iLearn refresher This workshop enables teaching teams to get customised help and guided support with iLearn, Echo360, Turnitin and Feedback Studio.
Introduction to SoTLGetting started with the Scholarship of Learning and Teaching, adaptable to your field.
Managing classroom behaviourEffective strategies for maintaining a positive classroom environment. This workshop covers preemptive techniques to prevent disruptions and responsive solutions to handle issues as they arise. Discover practical tools to create a respectful and engaging learning climate.
RubricsInterested in improving your rubrics or getting your students more engaged with rubrics? This workshop will take you through some ‘good practice’ in rubric creation and share rubric evaluation and ideas.
Zoom for teachingLearn how to set up and work with – and in – Zoom for learning and teaching: practical tips and techniques, using basic Zoom functions, recommended set-up options, tweaking default options and how to make your Zoom teaching sessions more interactive and engaging.

Other possible topics include: peer review of teaching, articulating your philosophy of teaching, writing course and unit learning outcomes, curriculum design, online assessment, reflective teaching practice, and external standards for learning and teaching. Please contact us if you have other topic requests.

External professional learning
TitleDescriptionHow to accessDuration
ANU Coffee CoursesShort self-paced courses run by the Australian National University covering topics in education technology, teaching online, digital tools, pedagogy, or trends in technology.ANU Coffee Courses15 minutes per day over the week that the course is offered.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) Education for TeachersAn online course for those wanting to increase their general understanding of AI, including how important it is for learners; and/or those who want to embed AI into their teaching practice and their students’ learning. Free for MQ staff.On Coursera for MQ16 hours
Contemporary Approaches to University Teaching MOOCA self-paced comprehensive teaching induction course which includes content developed by Macquarie University staff.Enrolment link for S2 2024.
2 hours per module
Contract cheating detection and deterrence (TEQSA Masterclass)A free online, self-directed course to build your baseline knowledge about academic integrity issues and techniques and practices for deterring and detecting contract cheating. TEQSA Masterclass link3 hours
Create video, audio and infographics for online learningAn online course for anyone interested in creating powerful and memorable learning experiences for learners. Free for MQ staff.On Coursera for MQ20 hours
Disability Awareness Free e-learning program offered by Disability Awareness – highlights the impact that societal attitudes and inherent stigma have on the lives of people with disability.Disability Awareness e-Learning90 minutes
Online education: The foundations of online teachingThis course will help you to reimagine, redesign and optimise face-to-face offerings for the online environment so that learners feel connected, engaged and motivated to learn. It is one part of the Online Learning Design for Educators specialisation on Coursera for MQ.On Coursera for MQ21 hours
Online teaching: Using Zoom to connect with learnersThis course will explore Zoom functions relevant for teaching a live online class (e.g. class management tools, break-out room function, chat, screen-sharing and the poll function) so you can feel confident designing and delivering a live Zoom class. It is one part of the Online Learning Design for Educators specialisation on Coursera for MQ.On Coursera for MQ17 hours
Transforming Assessment webinar seriesExploring assessment in higher education with a particular focus on use of technology to enhance the assessment of student learning. View over 100 recordings of past events from 2010 onwards or join upcoming events.Transforming assessment websiteWebinar duration 1 hour
Universal Design for Learning in Tertiary EducationFocuses on designing, developing and implementing UDL within your teaching practice. Free module made available to MQ by Disability Awareness. Access via MQ Workday.Universal Design for Learning90-120 minutes
Writing techniques for Advance HE FellowshipExamine your teaching philosophy, master key writing techniques and discover how to avoid common pitfalls when applying for fellowship in this free online course offered through Metron College.Advance HE writing techniques
Coursera for MQMacquarie staff have free access to Macquarie created courses on the Coursera platform. Create an account using your Macquarie email address. Explore what’s available!Coursera for MQVarious
Linked in LearningAll staff (and students) have access to the LinkedIn video library of courses.LinkedIn Learning for MQ Various
Observe teaching live and in action

Experienced and dedicated MQ teaching staff are opening up the door to their classroom in Open for Observation, a peer observation of teaching program, providing you with a unique opportunity to observe one of their classes.

Sign up here to open your classroom during Session 2 to allow other colleagues to observe one of your classes.

We will be posting details of all of the classes available to observe in Session 2 soon on TECHE.

Teaching in 1CC Central Courtyard spaces

Teaching in 1CC for the first time?

If you are teaching in 1CC for the first time, then this TECHE article will get you up speed on using the technology in 1CC teaching spaces with information about using the touch panel to control the technology, things to know before your first class, and what to expect in the rooms.

Teaching in-class students and online students at the same time in 1CC?

This TECHE article covers everything you need to know to get set up for teaching via Zoom in 1CC. It includes a Quick Start Guide, teaching tips and troubleshooting guide.

Join a Community of Practice

There are some great opportunities for you to engage with like-minded colleagues. Why not join one of these Communities of Practice groups:

  • FMHHS ENRICH – Early career educators’ Network for Reflection, Innovation, Collaboration and Health – For early-career educators in the FMHHS who would like to grow, learn and connect.
  • Learning and Teaching Podcast Discussion Club – like a book club, but for podcasts!
  • Learning and Teaching SWAT Team – a network for all learning designers and learning and teaching support staff.
  • Mudang-Dali Indigenous Connected Curriculum CoP – For anyone seeking to participate in implementing Indigenous perspectives across the university in authentic and meaningful ways.
  • Teaching and Leadership Community of Practice – shape how we lead learning and teaching at MQ.
  • Work Integrated Learning Community of Practice (WIL CoP) – For anyone whose teaching involves aspects of work integrated learning.

To join a Community of Practice

Read more about communities of practice at MQ

Teaching Development resources

Access our curated (and growing!) repository of resources that will support you in your teaching development.

We have created a teaching development resources site to bring together useful articles, guidance documents, tips, and links. The site is designed to make it easy for learning and teaching staff to locate relevant information to use for planning and achieving their personal and professional goals.

Resources have been organised for you to search and find resources under five domains:

  • Learning and teaching scholarship in higher education
  • Student learning and support
  • Curriculum and assessment
  • Reflection and feedback on practice
  • Developing self and others
On TECHE: Teaching development articles

You might be interested in these series of articles relevant for teaching development from Macquarie’s learning and teaching blog:

Access teaching development offerings and resources relevant for you.

Try the Persona Activity

How it works: You choose the Persona that best describes you. You will then see suggestions for targeted professional development resources, programs and/or communities of practice to support you. You may find that your specific role crosses over with more than one of the personas, in which case we invite you to look at other Personas.

Click on the Persona Activity image above to start.

As further resources become available they will be added to this post and announced via the TECHE blog.

Questions and suggestions for future professional development for teaching staff can be directed to professional.learning@mq.edu.au

Banner image: Image by wjomes on Pixabay

Posted by L&T Development

The Learning and Teaching Staff Development team works with staff across the University to ensure they are supported to facilitate quality learning for students. This includes offering professional development, contributing to curriculum and assessment design, recognising and rewarding good practice, supporting peer review of teaching, and leading scholarly reflection. Email professional.learning@mq.edu.au with questions or requests.


  1. […] are new to teaching at MQ or experienced and seeking to further develop your own teaching practice, this TECHE post lists all the professional development for teaching activities, workshops and resources offered […]


  2. […] you’re ready to undertake some more structured professional learning – here is where you will find support to achieve your teaching development goals with facilitated and self-paced programs, workshops and […]


  3. […] Make teaching development part of your game plan – an overview of all professional development offered centrally. […]


  4. […] range of other Learning and Teaching professional development opportunities are also available at […]


  5. […] Browse the full menu of all teaching development offerings. […]


  6. […] development for teaching: Discover what else is on offer for teaching development in […]


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