Marks Are A Phony Currency
Last Wednesday, the Learning Collective attended a workshop by Chris Rust, Emeritus Professor of Higher Education at Oxford Brookes University, on REDESIGNING COURSE ASSESSMENT-A PROGRAM LEADER'S GUIDE.

What Is The Curriculum Anyway?
A new podcast about learning and teaching in higher education.

Ten Easy Ways To Put Research And Inquiry Into Units (7/10)
This series of posts presents ten simple suggestions to help you change your units or parts of your units to develop students’ research skills and competencies that you can adapt to suit your particular context. 10 easy ways Change an...

Redesigning Programs and Unit Assessments
Chris Rust, Emeritus Professor of Higher Education, Oxford Brookes University, UK, shared his thoughts and insights into improving programs and unit assessments at the AGSM seminar Redesigning course assessment; I’ve summarised the key concepts. THE PROBLEM There are problems with...

Ten Easy Ways To Put Research And Inquiry Into Units (6/10)
This series of posts presents ten simple suggestions to help you change your units or parts of your units to develop students’ research skills and competencies that you can adapt to suit your particular context.

Ten Easy Ways To Put Research And Inquiry Into Units (6/10)
This series of posts presents ten simple suggestions to help you change your units or parts of your units to develop students’ research skills and competencies that you can adapt to suit your particular context. 10 easy ways Change an...

Ten Easy Ways To Put Research And Inquiry Into Units (5/10)
This series of posts presents ten simple suggestions to help you change your units or parts of your units to develop students’ research skills and competencies that you can adapt to suit your particular context. 10 easy ways Change an...

How Do You Engage Your Gen Z Students?
Gen Z, those born in the mid 90s to early 2000s, are likely to make up a large proportion of your current and upcoming cohorts. How can you gain and keep their attention?

Engaging Students in Lectures With ALP (it’s more than live streaming)
You've heard about the live streaming pilot, right? Active Learning Platform? Yeah, know all about it. Well, I'm here to show you there's so much more, road tested by your colleagues in the faculty!