Category: Archive

If there was a university in Westeros … [making videos]
… all the academics would be using Personal Video Capture to connect more effectively with their students! There are 3 options for creating your own videos to share with students. We first took a bit of advice from the wise...

How To Get A Unit From Idea To iLearn In 7 Steps
New to Macquarie? Toying with a new unit idea? First time developing a unit? We have you covered. Even seasoned Macquarie staff get confused and overwhelmed by all the acronyms, committees, technologies and systems that are being thrown around in...

TBL: Totally Brilliant Learning … man
Over 90% of students who trialled Team-Based Learning (TBL) in the Bachelor of Clinical Science stated that the TBL format motivated them to prepare for tutorials, provided an effective way to apply their learning, helped them develop their synthesising skills and took their learning a...

Design for Change – How Service Design Thinking Can Improve Programs
The Global Leadership Program (GLP) recently embarked on a process of discovery using ‘service design thinking’ to enhance the student experience. In the Design for Change Project, we used service design tools and methods to involve GLP students in the process of program evaluation and design....

iLearn Open House – Featuring ENGL121, ENGL231 & ENGL389
This week’s iLearn Open House features three units from Associate Professor Marcelle Freiman from the Department of English: ENGL121 Creative Writing 1: An Introduction, ENGL231 Writing: From Manuscript to the Digital Age, and ENGL389 Textual Practices. Marcelle uses the iLearn platform to strategically frame content,...

Designing Classroom Interaction with Digital Technology
Classroom response systems (CRS) are well recognised active learning strategies. Although student participation and engagement doesn’t necessarily equal learning, we know that active learning strategies promote learning. We also know that many lecturers who teach large student cohorts employ various active...

Ten Easy Ways to put Research And Inquiry Into Units (10/10)
This series of posts presents ten simple suggestions to help you change your units or parts of your units to develop students’ research skills and competencies that you can adapt to suit your particular context. 10 easy ways Change an...

Ten Easy Ways To Put Research And Inquiry Into Units (9/10)
[Almost there! ] This series of posts presents ten simple suggestions to help you change your units or parts of your units to develop students’ research skills and competencies that you can adapt to suit your particular context. 10 easy ways...

Ten Easy Ways To Put Research And Inquiry Into Units (8/10)
This series of posts presents ten simple suggestions to help you change your units or parts of your units to develop students’ research skills and competencies that you can adapt to suit your particular context. 10 EASY WAYS Change an...