Category: Teaching Practice
Discussions around teaching practice.
Revolutionise your classroom with Peer Instruction: engage students one-on-one and all-at once!
Transform a boring lecture into a dynamic learning environment.
Gender equity in higher education
The Contemporary Approaches to University Teaching MOOC provides strategies to enable women and gender-diverse people to benefit equally from educational opportunities.
Quality assurance: what are our responsibilities?
Learn about how the standards and quality indicators for learning and teaching apply to your work as an educator in this module from Contemporary Approaches to University Teaching.
Leadership for learning and teaching
The Contemporary Approaches to University Teaching MOOC guides you in developing your leadership capabilities.
Let’s talk about embedding and assessing Work Integrated Learning (WIL)
Join the Community of Practice to tackle WIL challenges together.
Connecting the dots: how an internship during my PhD transformed my teaching and research
For PhD candidates, internships can unlock career doors and provide a valuable training ground for honing both research AND teaching skills.
What’s the difference between scholarly teaching and the scholarship of teaching?
The Contemporary Approaches to University Teaching MOOC provides a practical starting point for those getting started with SoTL.
Experiments in teaching: shaking up teamwork, assessment and feedback
Nandini Kumar (Accounting and Corporate Governance) has a passion for teaching which drives her to constantly experiment with techniques to engage students and ensure they have the skills to succeed.
Managing student teamwork
Student team projects can be challenging. The Contemporary Approaches to University Teaching MOOC provides strategies for facilitating effective teamwork for student projects.