Category: Teaching Practice
Discussions around teaching practice.

Teaching Online Program for Tutors and Sessional Staff
Get prepared NOW for teaching online this session: Program starts 15 February. Offered via iLearn, the program brings together the expertise of professional and academic staff across the University to facilitate and support participants in a 5 hour program.

Get excited for a sneak peek at our brand-new active learning spaces
Are you teaching in an active learning space this session? If so – read on!

Spotlight on practice: lesson planning for online classes
Janet Dutton (School of Education) shares how she plans for online learning in the Master of Teaching course.

Student advising information at your fingertips with ‘MyAcademic’
Academic staff can access transcripts, class lists, unit and course information through the ‘MyAcademic’ platform.

15 ways to evidence your teaching achievements at university
Evidence for teaching excellence can come from multiple sources - here's some ideas!

Beginning to Teach starts 1 February – register now!
The Beginning to Teach program starts on February 1 and is open to HDR students and staff who are new to university teaching.

TEQSA webinar: Making & assessing claims of scholarship
Engage with this discussion about making and assessing claims of scholarship and scholarly activity.

Beginning to Teach program – expressions of interest now open for February 2021!
Register your interest in participating in the Beginning to Teach program in February 2021.

Student advising information at your fingertips with ‘MyAcademic’
Academic staff can access transcripts, class lists, unit and course information through the ‘MyAcademic’ platform.