Category: Supporting Learning

Using a flipped approach with dialogic learning: Fostering collaboration and knowledge construction

Melissa Reed and Philip Chappell (Linguistics) explain their strategy for encouraging deep learning in a flipped classroom.

/ 9 June, 2023

Exciting news for undergraduate research at Macquarie: We’re now ACUR members!

As a member of the Australasian Council for Undergraduate Research, we unlock opportunities to foster, showcase and acknowledge the remarkable research undertaken by our undergraduate students.

/ 31 May, 2023

iLearn will be upgraded to a new version in July

Some things change, some stay the same: Here's what to expect.

/ 31 May, 2023

Share insights, spark discussions, inspire others – write for TECHE

Have you been experimenting with new approaches to your teaching and learning? Got a success story or lessons learned to share with colleagues? If so, we want to hear from you!

/ 26 May, 2023

Collaborative learning: Harnessing student interactions for deep learning

The Contemporary Approaches to University Teaching MOOC provides practical ideas for collaborative learning activities in the classroom.

/ 23 May, 2023

Universal design for learning

The Contemporary Approaches to University Teaching MOOC guides you through using UDL principles for the benefit of all your students.

/ 17 May, 2023
Smorgasbord of food

A smorgasbord of resources for academic integrity

Feast your eyes on everything from staff and student resources to training modules, and keep abreast of emerging risks, on the new Academic Integrity website.

/ 15 May, 2023

Be a pronoun ally

Choose inclusive language and learn the right way to use pronouns in support of all our students and staff.

/ 10 May, 2023

The psychology of learners and learning

The Contemporary Approaches to University Teaching MOOC busts the myth about 'learning styles'.

/ 8 May, 2023