Category: Professional Learning

Learning and Teaching Podcast Discussion Club

The Learning and Teaching Podcast Discussion Club is like a book club... but with podcasts!

/ 25 February, 2021

Active learning at Macquarie

A quick tour through the ways we've engaged with active learning over the last few years.

/ 25 February, 2021

On-campus sessions with online participants: 3 tips, a video and a quick guide

Do you need to teach on-campus with some students joining remotely? These 3 tips might help!

/ 24 February, 2021

Find your PLaCE Persona – and your professional development pathway

Learning and teaching professional development targeted for your needs.

/ 23 February, 2021

Over a cuppa: prompts to reflect on learning and teaching. The first sip!

A new regular series to prompt you to reflect on your learning and teaching.

/ 16 February, 2021

Why are they not participating? 5 tips to encourage online communities

Disappointed with low student participation in your unit? We have 5 tips for you!

/ 9 February, 2021