Category: Professional Learning

Associate Professor Fay Hadley. Mike Catabay for TECHE

Spotlight on practice: How I teach now – Fay Hadley

Fay Hadley (Education) delves into the nitty gritty of bringing students together online and what an authentic ‘online presence’ means for her teaching practice.

/ 24 November, 2020

Using case studies in the classroom – a workshop to build teaching capabilities

This workshop, open to all MQ academic staff, is offered by MQBS and focuses on the use of case studies in the classroom.

/ 16 November, 2020

Network with higher education researchers

The #HE Scholars Research Network connects and supports higher education researchers across Sydney-based universities. Next meeting 27 November.

/ 5 November, 2020

Resilience, re-imagining and recovery: A virtual CAULLT conference

Presentations (including 2 from MQ) on reimagining assessment in the wake of COVID.

/ 5 November, 2020

A community of practice for teaching and leadership

An invitation to join a network for the Teaching and Leadership job family.

/ 4 November, 2020
Image woman talking on a computer

Learning and Teaching Podcast Discussion Club

The Learning and Teaching Podcast Discussion Club is like a book club... but with podcasts!

/ 27 October, 2020

Beginning to Teach program hits the mark with participants

One hundred per cent of participants said they would recommend this program to their ‘new to teaching’ colleagues. Here’s why.

/ 23 October, 2020

Discover your voice: Final video release – Are your virtual students listening?

Techniques to engage students with your audio and video recordings

/ 30 September, 2020

Discover your voice: Tips on portraying confidence in your teaching voice

Combat performance anxiety and make voice speed, projection, diction and inflection work for you.

/ 30 September, 2020