Category: Professional Learning

Quality assurance: what are our responsibilities?

Learn about how the standards and quality indicators for learning and teaching apply to your work as an educator in this module from Contemporary Approaches to University Teaching.

/ 12 April, 2024

Leadership for learning and teaching

The Contemporary Approaches to University Teaching MOOC guides you in developing your leadership capabilities.

/ 10 April, 2024

Connecting the dots: how an internship during my PhD transformed my teaching and research

For PhD candidates, internships can unlock career doors and provide a valuable training ground for honing both research AND teaching skills.

/ 2 April, 2024

What’s the difference between scholarly teaching and the scholarship of teaching?

The Contemporary Approaches to University Teaching MOOC provides a practical starting point for those getting started with SoTL.

/ 28 March, 2024

Higher Education in context: purposes, politics and futures

The Contemporary Approaches to University Teaching MOOC considers the political, economic, social and cultural influences and power structures that shape the higher education sector.

/ 19 March, 2024

Managing student teamwork

Student team projects can be challenging. The Contemporary Approaches to University Teaching MOOC provides strategies for facilitating effective teamwork for student projects.

/ 14 March, 2024

Your opportunity to observe teaching [and teachers] in action

Open for Observation: Experienced educators across the university are opening their classes for teaching & learning support colleagues to observe and learn.

/ 11 March, 2024

Take your unit design and delivery to the next level – to benefit all your students – with UDL

Embrace Universal Design for Learning (UDL) principles to enhance your unit design, make learning activities seamlessly accessible for all students and reduce the need for reasonable adjustments.

/ 6 March, 2024

Academic mentoring

Mentoring relationships are invaluable for professional development. The Contemporary Approaches to University Teaching MOOC offers a wealth of resources to support mentors and mentees.

/ 28 February, 2024