Category: Professional Learning

Tips for presenting online like a pro

Want your online teaching to be as engaging as a TED Talk? This video series shows you how to use your voice effectively and present your best self in front of the camera.

/ 10 November, 2023

Exploring assessment: designing it, communicating how to do it, and then marking it

The Contemporary Approaches to University Teaching MOOC guides you in reflecting on assessment in your unit and across the course.

/ 9 November, 2023

75 years of Australian higher education reform in a TikTok

The vision for Australian HE is optimistic: sunlight, rainbows and unicorns. But has it always been that way?

/ 6 November, 2023
Alphabet spaghetti

ABCs of pedagogy: G is for game-based learning

Gamification can motivate students to become active participants in their learning.

/ 3 November, 2023

Live Class Workbooks

Create a shared document to monitor student activity responses in real time during live classes.

/ 31 October, 2023

A recipe for teaching success: Free Development Opportunities

All of the ingredients laid out ready for you to cook up a feast!

/ 23 October, 2023

Claiming and evidencing educational leadership

What are the challenges of recognising and evidencing your leadership if you don’t (yet) have a formal leadership role?

/ 3 October, 2023

Ask us: What are your go-to resources for informal evaluation of teaching?

We explore different approaches to collecting feedback from students and peers.

/ 22 September, 2023

Love a good podcast?

Listen to these recommendations from the Learning & Teaching Podcast Discussion Club to challenge your thinking!

/ 22 September, 2023