Dig in to Library skills for teaching: Access the recording from the recent presentation
Catch up on how you can use Library resources, search techniques and study support tools to enhance student learning.

A community of practice to share insights on teaching WIL
Join the Community of Practice to explore work integrated learning approaches and practices at MQ.

Universal Design for Learning in action: the what, why and how
Your invitation to attend a Symposium to explore the latest developments in UDL.

Straight from the student’s mouth: LET survey provides feedback on your teaching
How, when and why to order a Learner Evaluation of Teaching survey for your unit.

3 ways to dig into Library skills for teaching
Discover how to enhance your teaching with Library resources to improve student success.

Applying UDL principles to the design of a Very Large Unit
Natasha Todorov (Psychology) offers some strategies for supporting neurodiverse students in very large online units, using approaches aligned with Universal Design for Learning principles.

Helping students on their employability journey at Macquarie
Explore, Develop, Transition. Help your students discover the programs underpinning student employability at Macquarie.

The Indigenous Voice to Parliament microcredential
A free microcredential available to anyone seeking to engage with the Indigenous Voice to Parliament and gain knowledge to make an informed decision.

Using a flipped approach with dialogic learning: Fostering collaboration and knowledge construction
Melissa Reed and Philip Chappell (Linguistics) explain their strategy for encouraging deep learning in a flipped classroom.