iLearn will be upgraded to a new version in July
Some things change, some stay the same: Here's what to expect.

iLearn Insights updates to assist you with online delivery
If you have not yet used iLearn Insights, go here to learn how this award winning, Learning Innovation Hub-developed tool can support your teaching: iLearn insights A number of updates have been rolled out to iLearn Insights that will be...

COVID-19 5 things you can do right now to prepare your iLearn unit for online delivery
Unsure where to start in this evolving teaching environment? This article describes how to do 5 things you can start implementing right now.

iLearn Drop-in Clinic for Session 1, 2020
iLearn Drop-in Clinic is back in the lead up to and start of S1 (10th February – 28th February 2020). Get customised help with iLearn, iTeach, Echo360, Turnitin and Feedback Studio and get questions answered about all other MQ learning...

Student Unit Engagement tool released for iLearn Insights
This tool will allow you to visualise the online engagement of the students in your unit as a group as well as drill down to individual students.

iLearn TEDS Survey Dashboard Update
This update will improve staff and student access to online survey information, informing students of the surveys they need to complete as well as display survey completion rates to unit convenors.

New bulk email tool released for iLearn Insights
In response to feedback from our growing user base a new bulk emailing tool has been added to iLearn Insights. This new tool allows teaching staff to select from a number of filters to target the group they wish to...

Updates to iLearn Insights as a result of your feedback
Check out these great tools in iLearn Insights that help educators engage students and keep track of how students are going.

What’s new after the iLearn Upgrade
iLearn will be upgraded on the evening of Friday 8 February 2019. There will be a downtime from around 5pm for up to 24 hours. As part of this upgrade there will be a few changes that you needs to...