Month: February 2023
All About Assessments forum – have your say
Your feedback is important! Invitation to provide comments on the current Assessment Policy and Assessment Procedure, as part of the post-implementation review process.
Congratulations to our AAUT winners for 2022!
Our 2022 Australian Awards for University Teaching (AAUT) winners from Macquarie have enhanced student learning and been recognised on a national level.
“Their feedback had a big impact on me” and other reasons to open your classroom to your colleagues
Sign up for 'Open for Observation' and share your passion for teaching.
Looking back at our learning and teaching highlights of 2022
Pro Vice-Chancellor (Learning and Teaching), Professor Dominique Parrish, explores and reflects on the key achievements of the portfolio in 2022.
Supervising and supporting HDR students with disability
Adam Johnston, HDR candidate (Macquarie Law School) and Associate Professor Kathleen Tait (Macquarie School of Education) on supporting HDR students with disability.
Why does ChatGPT generate fake references?
Uncovering the ingredients that go into robotic porkie pies and some possible sweet dessert at the end.
Check if an assignment was submitted from an offshore or onshore location using iLearn Insights
iLearn Insights highlights if there is a mismatch between where the student accesses iLearn and where their assignment was submitted.
ChatGPT and AI: What’s our state of play?
MQ's response to ChatGPT and what's to come.
Where to start with an inclusive teaching approach
A few simple ideas to help empower everyone in your class to learn.