Tag: student experience

Legacy of SaP: Celebrating 10 years of the Macquarie Undergraduate Research Internship (MURI)
Student Partners Ali Asgher Ali, Angelica Ojinnaka, and Angel Kalaimani share their experiences as Student Partners over their years with MURI

What the flipped is SBATPLEZ?
This capstone unit had 4 modes of offering in S2. How did this work and what did the students think?

Do pharmacists explain medicines adequately? Ask students to use data to find out
From science to linguistics, early childhood education to accountancy, students studying these subjects will engage in collecting and using data by examining real-life scenarios – such as comparing the practices of pharmacists in their suburbs.

Student Partnership: Celebrating 10 years of the Macquarie Undergraduate Research Internship (MURI)
Joanna Cai, a second-year Bachelor of Media and Marketing student, shares her 2020 internship experience in the 10th cohort of the MURI program.

Why is a leaf green? How to change an assessment to an inquiry
A simple question like 'Why is a leaf green?' is a good basis for an internet search, and can be the starting point for an assignment whereby students write a report distinguishing 'good evidence' and 'poor evidence'.

Research-enriched learning at MQ: Celebrating 10 years of the Macquarie Undergraduate Research Internship (MURI)
Alora Cantwell, a third-year biology student completing a Bachelor of Science, shares her 2020 internship experience in the 10th cohort of the Macquarie Undergraduate Research Internship (MURI).

Get the scoop on what your students think
Reading MQScoop, our University's student blog, is a useful way of reconnecting and reflecting on how our interactions with students shape their experience at Macquarie.

Is there an undiscovered global leader in your classroom?
With a focus on cross-cultural understanding, leadership, international issues, innovation, and entrepreneurship, the Global Leadership Program provides students with the knowledge, skills and networks they’ll need to advance in their professional and personal lives.

Encourage student participation in the Student Experience Survey (SES) 2020
The results of this survey will help Macquarie University and the government to improve the student experience.