Tag: student experience

How to achieve student success with EdTech: new partnership with Forage leads the way
Paul Somers and Dr Shazia K Jan look at how a partnership collectively pushes the boundaries between higher education and EdTech to address a long-standing and common problem.

Draft Employability Strategy and Framework
Provide your feedback and shape how we make our students work ready!

Enhancing connection through digital intelligence in the 21st Century
Learn how MUIC incorporated a new digital intelligence unit into their programs.

Ask Us Anything!
Dr Lurion De Mello has been running Ask Us Anything sessions on Friday afternoons for his students - and colleagues - to discuss all things finance.

Macquarie Undergraduate Research Internship (MURI) – Relaunching in 2022
Learn how the Widening Participation Unit has reinvigorated this essential program.

Draft Student Survey Policy and Procedure
Provide your feedback on this important policy and procedure.

Convening a unit? Here are graphic syllabus resources for you!
Students tend to do better when they clearly understand how unit elements are interrelated. Here's one tool to achieve it.

The learning experience during a pandemic
Students have their say on their learning experience during the pandemic.