Tag: learning skills

Academic Integrity – supporting our staff and students with a simplified approach
Key Academic Integrity resources for the end of session.

Macquarie Undergraduate Research Internship (MURI) – Relaunching in 2022
Learn how the Widening Participation Unit has reinvigorated this essential program.

Developing students’ literacy through embedding
With so much content to get through, it may feel impossible to teach literacy – the understanding and control of diverse and multiple modes of communication [1] – in your unit. The Learning Skills Unit, Library and the Numeracy Centre...

Meet the team: Learning Skills Unit
Get to know the team who are developing our students' academic literacies'!

Three ways to enhance academic integrity in your unit
The rapid move to online learning has left many students increasingly vulnerable to contract cheating companies. Here are three ways to deal with it.

Learning online at MQ – resources for students
Key tools for students learning online at Macquarie.

Fostering academic literacy and integrity through Turnitin
Do you find the Originality reports difficult to interpret? Allowing students to see Originality Reports before submitting helps them to understand that there’s more to a Turnitin report than the similarity percentage score.

Tell your students: New peer support programs available through Learning Skills
Do your students need extra help with using online learning technologies or improving their writing? Learning Skills are excited to announce two new peer support programs available in Semester 2 for students.

Transferable Skills for EMCRs: workshop registrations now open
Early and mid-career researchers interested in gaining key skills that will help them build successful careers are invited to join the Transferable Skills Toolkit workshops.