Tag: assessment

Dr Albert Lee on the value of diagnostic assessment quizzes
Albert has a scientific approach to the delivery of MEDI304; a unit that invites students to complete a diagnostic assessment quiz in Week 0. Results of the quiz support student learning and guide the planning of weekly lectures.

Dr Amalie Dyda: Teaching in a research-led manner
Amalie brings world-class research into the Master of Public Health to teach students about foundations and new advances in health informatics.

Get Better at Presentations: A Guide for Students
Our presentation guide was published in 2015 and is still going strong (after updating a couple of links!). Here is a quick intro, written by Lucy Arthur in the original Teche. Almost half of employers rate communication skills as their top hiring...

New ideas for evaluating teams and group work
Attend the Team Evaluation workshop to learn how to enhance the grading of group work in iLearn.

Video based assessment in non-media subjects
Video based assessment is being used in a variety of ways across Macquarie. Check out the summary of this presentation from the Festival of Assessment on the topic.

Welcome to Team X
Team X stands alone or can be tailored to the needs of your students. Use it online, face-to-face or in a blended format – the choice is yours.

Join in the fun at the ‘Festival of Assessment’
Save the date in your diary and come along: 17th April

Enhancing professional practice through video
Using video technology for assessments can enhance professional growth and reflective practice of teacher education students and their supervisors.

Innovative assessment captivating Biology students
One Health Antibiotic Resistance Science Fair – integrating research, teaching and outreach in assessment practice.