Tag: assessment

Academic integrity vs the other AI (Generative Artificial Intelligence)
How the use of AI tools aligns with our commitment to academic integrity

Thinking and talking about AI tools in assessment – Questions from the Writing Centre
From the Writing Centre: prompts for reflection and discussion with students about the use of AI in assessment.

Safeguarding academic integrity, connecting law students with markers: Assessment via viva voce
This Macquarie Law School teaching team has focused on authentic assessment via viva voce exams, not only to defend academic integrity, but also to accelerate student employability.

Why does ChatGPT generate fake references?
Uncovering the ingredients that go into robotic porkie pies and some possible sweet dessert at the end.

ChatGPT and AI: What’s our state of play?
MQ's response to ChatGPT and what's to come.

Standardised late submission penalties at MQ
Standardised late submission rules come into force at Macquarie University for S2 2022 onwards.

L&T Quick Guide series launch
Bite sized chunks of Learning and Teaching theory and practice to get you started...

Constructive alignment in a nutshell: identifying what we want students to learn
Designing activities and assessment to best support the desired learning outcomes.

Rubrics: Why, What and How
A quick tour of the Why, What, and How behind rubrics - with links to resources.