FoHS Curriculum Architecture Update (March 2019)
A great many things have been happening on the Curriculum Architecture front - here is the latest...

Team X – A Teamwork Experience to Support Student Employability
Team X, the output of a Strategic Priority Grant, presents teachers and learners with the resources needed to create meaningful and successful teamwork experiences across existing units and programs at Macquarie University.

From fauna to flora: engaging students in species identification
An SPG grant that helps students untangle themselves from the invertebrate web of confusion and remain engaged and interested in research projects that answer meaningful questions.

Involved in international education or with our international students? Note these funding and awards opportunities!
Grants up to $110,000 for projects promoting international education and the experience of MQ international students: MQ internal submission deadline 13 May

Macquarie is an institutional member of EDUCAUSE: staff have access to all EDUCAUSE resources including webinars and reports. Find out more about what it is and how to access the resources.

Careers Week and employability for students
Employability is a major motivator for students seeking qualification through higher education. Let your students know about the resources available!

Engaging our friendliest neighbours : South Pacific Island States The Widening Participation Unit (WPU) hosted its first LEAP Pasifika meet and greet event this week with current Macquarie University students from Pasifika Backgrounds, academics and professional staff. The Pro Vice-Chancellor...

Grading forum posts in iLearn
A guide to marking iLearn forum posts, and points to consider before you implement it.

Get familiar with the new lecterns
Are you mystified by the various lecterns at Macquarie? No problem, the AVTS Team is here to help!