English language proficiency and Academic literacies
At our recent event, Educating for Success: 2020, Dr Pamela Humphreys spoke on the important work that Macquarie University English Language Centre is doing to support ESL students.

Congratulations to our Award – winning duo
Universities Australia on Tuesday 25 February announced all 2019 Australian Awards for University Teaching. Congratulations to both Dr Prashan Karunaratne and Dr Murray Taylor from Macquarie Business School.

Summative only exam into a formative technique
Associate Professor Naomi Sweller recently delivered an informative presentation on the two-stage exam technique and how it is transforming the future of collaborative assessment for students.

Active Learning in Lectures: Your 7 Tips
At the recent Educating for Success event, both Dr Murray Taylor and Dr Mauricio Marrone give their thoughts on innovative learning at @macquariebusinessschool

Co-op Bookshop to close on campus
The Co-op Bookshop on campus will close on 20 March. It was bought by online bookstore Booktopia in January of this year after the Co-op Bookshop went into administration in late 2019.

Student success through student engagement (4 pillars)
What do students want from their higher education experience? @macquariebusinessschool’s Associate Professor Jana Bowden posed this question at the recent conference Educating for Success: 2020.

Augmented (and virtual) Reality
What is Augmented Reality and how is it empowering teachers of the modern age? Hear Associate Professor Matt Bower speak on how AR allows teachers to be creative and tailor learning experiences to the needs and interests of their students.

Empower students to be globally connected
Macquarie University recently hosted the inaugural conference event Educating for Success: 2020 where academics within our teaching community shared their thoughts and ideas on teaching themes in the new decade.

2020 LEAP Partnership Engagement Grant Scheme now open
The 2020 LEAP Partnership Engagement Grant Scheme (PEGS) is now open for application.