Digital Library tools to help your students succeed this session

6 ways to boost your students' information and digital skills.

/ 12 July, 2024

Leganto makes reading list management easy

It's time to prepare your reading list for the start of session. And don't forget to hit SEND LIST once you've done it!

/ 9 July, 2024

Navigate iLearn like a pro

Get to know iLearn inside out with workshops, training and tips.

/ 9 July, 2024

Transform student collaboration in your unit with Microsoft Teams 

Introduce your students to Microsoft Teams this session for streamlined groupwork and seamless student-to-student communication.

/ 8 July, 2024

Master APA referencing style: Attend this demo of Academic Writer

Discover how APA Academic Writer supports students, researchers, and teaching staff.

/ 3 July, 2024

The power of asking students ‘Do you know what you don’t know?’

The ‘why’ and ‘how’ of teaching academic self-reflection and help-seeking skills to first year students

/ 28 June, 2024

5 ways this MQ educator is crafting neuro-inclusive classrooms

With a bit of creativity, empathy, and willingness to adapt, you can create a learning environment where every student feels supported and ready to learn regardless of how their unique brain is wired.

/ 25 June, 2024

Why did this MQ Educator get students to use two AI tools in one tutorial? 

This MQ educator challenged his marketing students to use two AI tools in a single tutorial. Why? Let’s discover the reason!

/ 18 June, 2024

Unlock insights into student engagement and progress

Are you using all the features of iLearn Insights to full effect?

/ 17 June, 2024