Category: Teaching Practice
Discussions around teaching practice.

iLearn Open House – Featuring HLTH109
iLearn Open House features HLTH109 – Anatomy of Limbs and Back, convened by Associate Professor Goran Štrkalj

Ready for battle?
Session 1 Learning Technology Essentials
The Learning Technology Services team has put together a quick list of resources to help you get set up for Session 1.

Icebreakers – Get The Party Started
Consider introducing an Icebreaker into your iLearn unit, Lecture or Tutorial to facilitate socialisation in your cohort.

Senate’s Top 5!
The top 5 topics discussed at the latest Academic Senate meeting.

Pressing pause on FiLT (but TIP is still playing)
We're pausing Foundations in Learning and Teaching (FiLT) for the first half of 2018, but there are still professional learning options available.

Introducing CareWise
The team at Campus Wellbeing has launched CareWise, an iLearn unit providing Wellbeing information and support for Macquarie employees.

Are you ready for Session 1?
Your go-to checklist for iTeach, iLearn, Unit Guide actions for S1, 2018

Macquarie’s Higher Education Academy (HEA) Fellowship program now open for 2018
The Higher Education Academy (HEA) Fellowship program will open for new applications for HEA Fellowship from Macquarie staff from February 2018.

iLearn Open House – Featuring COMP115
This week we spoke to Dr Gaurav Gupta, who teaches Introduction to Computer Programming.