Category: Teaching Practice
Discussions around teaching practice.

New Framework coming to support teaching at MQ
The Pro Vice Chancellor Learning and Teaching has been developing a comprehensive Professional Learning and Capability Enhancement (PLaCE) Framework.

Training opportunity: Adobe workshops coming to MQ
Adobe will be on campus on Monday 23 September 2019 to run training for MQ staff.

New bulk email tool released for iLearn Insights
In response to feedback from our growing user base a new bulk emailing tool has been added to iLearn Insights. This new tool allows teaching staff to select from a number of filters to target the group they wish to...

Keeping on the right side of Copyright
Australian copyright law is complex and technical, even when you are copying for educational purposes.

Academic Senate Top 5, July 2019
For a quick run-down, watch the Chair’s vlog and check out the Top 5 items discussed at the meeting.

TEDS are moving Online
Teaching Evaluation for Development Services (TEDS) are going online, find out more.

FHS’ Teaching Induction Program (TIP) is now open for Session 2
The Teaching Induction Program (TIP) is a self-paced iLearn unit with modules that are useful for those that are new to teaching.

Academic Senate Top 5, May and June 2019
Find out about the Top 5 items discussed at the May and June meetings of the Academic Senate.

Developing an effective poster presentation
A poster session is a good opportunity to present yourself and your research in a favorable light, make contacts and get useful feedback. There will be considerable competition for the audience’s time; you’ll need to capture their attention and communicate...