Category: Teaching Practice
Discussions around teaching practice.

Answering your questions: Active Learning in 2020
We recently asked what you need to know about teaching and learning in FHS and what suggestions you have. We'll be responding to each question and idea over the next few issues. First up: Active Learning!

A new Learning and Teaching Strategic Framework is on the way
Tell us what you think about the new Learning and Teaching Strategic Framework: Enhancing Student Learning, Maximising Future Success.

Congratulations to FHS’ new Advance HE Senior Fellows!
Warm congratulations to Maria Herke and Susan Hoadley from the Department of Linguistics on recently achieving Senior Fellowship with Advance HE! We asked them to tell us about their experience.

Spring clean your desktop screen
Is your desktop screen clutter free right now?

Use iLab in your teaching? Not for much longer
iLab will soon be replaced by AppStream on 1 December 2019. If you are using iLab in your teaching, it’s time to start using AppStream!

Academic Senate Top 5, September 2019
For a quick run-down, watch the Chair’s vlog and check out the Top 5 items discussed in September.

iLearn TEDS Survey Dashboard Update
This update will improve staff and student access to online survey information, informing students of the surveys they need to complete as well as display survey completion rates to unit convenors.

Fostering academic literacy and integrity through Turnitin
Do you find the Originality reports difficult to interpret? Allowing students to see Originality Reports before submitting helps them to understand that there’s more to a Turnitin report than the similarity percentage score.

TEDS surveys – the top three success factors
So, you are going for promotion and need to be able to “prove” your teaching or curriculum design creds or your HoD has required an update of how you’re going… how do you do it?