All posts by Michael Marston

Business analyst/Crystal report writer by trade. Came to Macquarie in 1999 on a six week contract, and stayed. Worked on Student One implementation and support at MQ and UTS until 2010 when I came to Learning & Teaching and have been in the L&T space ever since. Previous positions in no particular order include organization & methods analyst, bank loans officer, part-time soldier, national support manager for a major insurance company, financial controller for an SME, sky guide, yardsman/labourer, got a BA majoring in philosophy and a Masters in Higher Education.

Students in MQ lecture theatre - by Mike Catabay for LIH

TEDS surveys – the top three success factors

So, you are going for promotion and need to be able to “prove” your teaching or curriculum design creds or your HoD has required an update of how you’re going… how do you do it?

/ 13 September, 2019
Books lined up.

Order Your Evaluation Surveys Now To Save You Hassle Down The Track

Order your student surveys now to save you hassle and the chance of missing out later in session.

/ 22 February, 2018