Category: Teaching Online

Resources for teaching online.

Ask us: What are some good examples of inclusive iLearn design? 

We find the answers to creating an engaging and inclusive online learning space.

/ 22 March, 2023
two robots sitting at a table reading a book

Advising students about using and citing generative artificial intelligence for assessment

Advice for educators who are advising students about using and acknowledging generative artificial intelligence for assessment.

/ 6 March, 2023

Check if an assignment was submitted from an offshore or onshore location using iLearn Insights

iLearn Insights highlights if there is a mismatch between where the student accesses iLearn and where their assignment was submitted.

/ 20 February, 2023

Enhancing ‘teacher presence’ to improve online engagement

In the Faculty of Science and Engineering, improving Convenor (teacher) presence in the online space proved to be very effective for student engagement.

/ 25 January, 2023

iLearn Insights: new functionality for S1, 2023

iLearn Insights new features make it an even more valuable tool for monitoring student engagement in your unit.

/ 17 January, 2023

The complete guide to using the technology in 1CC for teaching a f2f or blended class

A one-stop-shop for all the quick start guides, video instructions, tips and troubleshooting advice you need to help you optimally use the technology for teaching in 1CC.

/ 11 January, 2023

Was the 1CC Zoom upgrade a game changer for your blended synchronous class?

Let us know if the Zoom upgrade made life easier by completing a short survey.

/ 4 October, 2022

Send a message to keep your students on task in breakout rooms

New Zoom feature allows you to communicate and share information with students in breakout rooms, so they are not sitting in the dark wondering what to do.

/ 12 September, 2022
Two people juggling

Juggling teaching online and on-campus students? Try these 10 tips

There's a lot going on in a blended synchronous classroom - these ideas might help to smooth the way.

/ 24 August, 2022