Category: Professional Learning

Digital Assessment in real and virtual worlds
A big week exploring digital assessment in transition, in STEM and in virtual worlds.

The Digital Pedagogy Lab is all online for 2020
An international professional development week for those interested in higher education critical digital pedagogy, inquiry, praxis, and social justice goes online-only in 2020.

Online exam preparation advice for students
Macquarie University has released a suite of resources to help students get ready for upcoming online exams.

NCSEHE webinar: Shifting Widening Participation outreach activities to remote learning environments
The National Centre for Student Equity in Higher Education (NCSEHE) will host a webinar on June 10 on shifting Widening Participation and Outreach programs to remote delivery.

Macquarie University Principles for the conduct of formal examinations during the COVID-19 emergency
General principles for conducting formal examinations in Session 1, 2020

A Framework for Learning and Teaching Staff Development
The PLaCE Framework for Learning and Teaching Staff Development is now open for consultation.

HERDSA webinar series on enabling online communities
HERDSA launches webinar series on sustaining communities of online practice.

In the time of COVID-19: What about academic integrity!?
The reaction to the COVID19 pandemic seeing a tectonic shift in the mix of assessment tasks - what are the implications for academic integrity?

A/Prof Verity Pacey: Personalising online communication for students during these extraordinary times
Verity has recently become a ‘power-user’ and advocate of the iLearn ‘Personalised Learning Designer’ (PLD) tool, running a number of training sessions for DHP staff. Verity says, “It is a huge positive in terms of personalising online communication for our...