Category: Macquarie Business School

From the Macquarie Business School.

Astronaut floating in space above Earth

How to achieve student success with EdTech: new partnership with Forage leads the way

Paul Somers and Dr Shazia K Jan look at how a partnership collectively pushes the boundaries between higher education and EdTech to address a long-standing and common problem.

/ 4 February, 2022

Ask Us Anything!

Dr Lurion De Mello has been running Ask Us Anything sessions on Friday afternoons for his students - and colleagues - to discuss all things finance.

/ 4 November, 2021

Postgraduate post-experience blended learning: can it be done?

Changing a highly rated course which has been around for over 30 years is not a trivial exercise. Especially when you change from face-to-face to a blended learning environment. This is currently underway at Macquarie Business School's Master of Applied...

/ 17 June, 2021

Making economic principles pop with cultural references

Embedding pop culture references and viral trends into your unit can enhance students' understanding of key concepts. Paul Crosby and Dylan Thompson highlight some examples from Principles of Economics 1.

/ 13 May, 2021

What the flipped is SBATPLEZ?

This capstone unit had 4 modes of offering in S2. How did this work and what did the students think?

/ 25 November, 2020
Multiple choice by Mike Catabay for TECHE

Efficiently create multiple versions of an exam or quiz

The Version Generator tool is ideal for large units where multiple versions of an exam are required, each with different variables in the questions.

/ 16 October, 2020

Blended synchronous learning – an example from professional practice

This post shares a few techniques the MQBS Co-op team, the students and I are using to retain interactive discussions and activities in the blended synchronous environment.

/ 3 September, 2020

Visualiser: The Hidden Gem in the Classroom

10 reasons why you should use the visualiser in F2F teaching - by Leeanne Mendonca De Mello and ...

/ 14 July, 2020