Category: Learning Technologies

Tips on how to get the best out of your learning technologies.

Lady at laptop

Live Streaming Conditions In 2018

In Session 1, 2018, over 115 units across Macquarie will have live streaming enabled.

/ 30 November, 2017

Get excited! Auto-Tutorial Groups in iLearn

Development work has been done on iTeach, which will allow for Unit Convenors to automatically create Tutorial Groups in iLearn, that will be automatically updated when a student changes Tutorial Group in eStudent. Available from S1 2018.

/ 23 November, 2017
MMCCS students developing a script during the Pathways program.

Educational Media Production Internship – Call for Expressions of Interest

Are you a staff member keen to work with media students? Are you a student interested in producing educational media?

/ 15 November, 2017
student in Active Learning Space

A student-centred look at Active Learning Spaces

Active Learning Spaces (C5A 430, C5A 435, W2.4A 2.300and E7B 163at Macquarie) are student-centered classrooms, designed to facilitate and promote student participation and engagement.  At Macquarie the spaces contain large, group-sized desks, each equipped with AV (moveable monitors and keyboard per table), which can...

/ 2 November, 2017

Designing Classroom Interaction with Digital Technology

Although student participation and engagement doesn't necessarily equal learning, we know that active learning strategies promote learning.

/ 12 September, 2017
photo of e-exams in class

Macquarie University runs first trial Of BYOD E-Exams

Macquarie University recently ran its first trial of BYOD e-Exams. How did it go?

/ 20 July, 2017
Y Gen Z are Next title from Vivid Ideas Sydney 2017

How Do You Engage Your Gen Z Students?

Gen Z, those born in the mid 90s to early 2000s, are likely to make up a large proportion of your current and upcoming cohorts. How can you gain and keep their attention?

/ 29 June, 2017
video camcorder by Mike Catabay for LIH

Meet the Educational Media Producers

Looking for help with producing media? Educational Media Producers in the Learning Innovation Hub (LIH) can offer fresh perspectives and specialist techniques in creating educational media resources to enhance online learning experiences at Macquarie.

/ 27 April, 2017
David and Robert from MMCCS filming on location during the first Pathways program 2017. Photo by Mike Catabay

Media Students Wow Academics

This post deserves a second title: How to create great videos and train students for a real job!

/ 30 March, 2017