What information comes from the MQ Curriculum Management System (MQCMS)? What can be changed in iTeach? And… when does this all have to be ready?

CMS and unit guide cut-off dates for Session 2, 2024:

In accordance with the Assessment Policy Appendix 3 Requirements for Unit Guide System , MQCMS approvals should be completed no later than three weeks prior to session start so that Unit Guides can be published for students two weeks before the session begins.

1 July – Approvals should be completed in the MQCMS (3 weeks prior to start of S2).
8 July – Unit guides should be finalised and published. (2 weeks prior to start of S2).
22 July – Session 2 commences.

Note: Please follow your Faculty processes and find out your Faculty MQCMS submission deadline as there are faculty and central governance process steps to be factored into the approval timeline. Refer to key dates and information about when to make unit changes.

Check for outdated information in your Unit Guide

With changes constantly happening around the university, now is a good time to check your unit for outdated information and links. Relevant, up-to-date policy links are automatically included in unit guides under the ‘policies and procedures’ section.


How does the MQCMS integrate with iTeach?

Unit learning outcomes and assessment information come directly from the MQCMS and will be read-only inside the unit guide publishing tool in iTeach. These fields are not editable in iTeach.

Details that are not captured in MQCMS (e.g. assessment due dates, staff details) will therefore still have to be manually updated in iTeach.

What information is populated from the MQCMS?

  1. Unit Learning Outcomes (ULO)
  2. Assessment Information, including:
  • Assessment Title
  • Assessment Type
  • Indicative Time on task: How many hours in total the student will spend on this assessment
  • Weighting
  • Description
  1. Assessment Mapping to Unit Learning Outcomes

Unit learning outcome to assessment mapping is taken directly from the MQCMS and will not be editable in iTeach. There are no Graduate Attributes.

Which fields are required to be manually entered in iTeach?

  1. Assessment due dates
  2. Teaching Staff contact details such as:
  • Name
  • Description
  • Email
  • Preferred contact
  • Consultation hours

NOTE: Make sure the Unit Convenor name here is the real Unit Convenor as this information is used for other purposes such as teaching evaluation surveys.

  1. Delivery and resources information

The following optional fields will continue to be available in iTeach:

  • General Assessment Information
  • Unit Schedule
  • Policies and Procedures (additional to general policy information)
  • Changes from Previous Offering
  • Add custom section

For further information please visit the iTeach/MQCMS page in our MQ Curriculum Manual Wiki.

ULOs and Assessment information are not editable in iTeach, so how can they be updated if required?

Any changes to unit learning outcomes (ULO’s) and assessment information need to be made in the MQCMS and will be processed through the appropriate academic governance approval workflows in this system, including Faculty approval.

It will be important to keep in mind the dates of your Faculty governance meetings before any changes are submitted via the MQCMS to ensure you meet cut off times for unit guides publication.

Consult with your department before making changes to these fields in MQCMS.

When will Unit Guides be available to students?

Unit guides will be publicly accessible as soon as they are published. They require approval in iTeach by the ‘iTeach manager’ in your department/school in order to be published.

All session 2 Unit Guides should be published by 8th July i.e. 2 weeks prior to the beginning of session.

It is imperative for ‘iTeach managers’ in departments and/or unit conveners to approve the iTeach content before the cut-off time. Failure to do so may result in incomplete and/or misleading unit guides for students.

In summary: To ensure a better student experience and meet compliance regulations, please have all amendments approved in MQCMS 3 weeks prior to commencement of session, and unit guides completed and published 2 weeks prior to the commencement of session.

Banner image: Photo by A Lot Of People on Shutterstock

Posted by Kylie Coaldrake

Learning and Teaching Development Coordinator, Office of PVC (Education)

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