Category: Assessment

Get the ball rolling with student peer marking

How to guide students on peer marking and decide which tools to use to support the process.

/ 26 August, 2022

Standardised late submission penalties at MQ

Standardised late submission rules come into force at Macquarie University for S2 2022 onwards.

/ 12 July, 2022

A new way to Turnitin: saves you time & provides more assessment options

Check for text similarity in forums and iLearn assignments with an added bonus of more efficient groupwork submissions!

/ 8 July, 2022
Picture of rocket launching

L&T Quick Guide series launch

Bite sized chunks of Learning and Teaching theory and practice to get you started...

/ 23 June, 2022

Constructive alignment in a nutshell: identifying what we want students to learn

Designing activities and assessment to best support the desired learning outcomes.

/ 9 June, 2022

Rubrics: Why, What and How

A quick tour of the Why, What, and How behind rubrics - with links to resources.

/ 15 November, 2021
Graphical Rubrics

Donate your rubrics

We're holding a donation drive for resources to put in our new teaching resource repository. First on our list - rubrics! Here's how you can donate to this worthy cause.

/ 4 November, 2021

Preparing Final Assessments

Top tips for teachers to prepare a final assessment or online exam using Macquarie University iLearn (Moodle).

/ 30 August, 2021