Tag: teaching development

If there was a university in Westeros … [making videos]
… all the academics would be using Personal Video Capture to connect more effectively with their students! There are 3 options for creating your own videos to share with students. We first took a bit of advice from the wise...

How To Get A Unit From Idea To iLearn In 7 Steps
New to Macquarie? Toying with a new unit idea? First time developing a unit? We have you covered. Even seasoned Macquarie staff get confused and overwhelmed by all the acronyms, committees, technologies and systems that are being thrown around in...

TBL: Totally Brilliant Learning … man
Over 90% of students who trialled Team-Based Learning (TBL) in the Bachelor of Clinical Science stated that the TBL format motivated them to prepare for tutorials, provided an effective way to apply their learning, helped them develop their synthesising skills and took their learning a...

Teaching With Cultural Diversity
In this post, we draw attention to the impact of diversity on learning and teaching and provide some suggestions on how to incorporate more awareness and understanding into your practice.

Ideas From HERDSA2017
This year’s theme was “Curriculum Transformation” with presentations organised around practical implications, drivers and facilitators in curriculum transformation. Here is what I learned based on selected presentations I attended.