iLearn Open House – Featuring MAS213 & PERF201
This week we look at how iLearn is used for subjects very practical and hands on in nature, MAS213 and PERF201

A Day In The Life:
Professor Sean Brawley,
Interim Pro-Vice Chancellor, Programs and Pathways
Interim Pro-Vice Chancellor, Programs and Pathways, Professor Sean Brawley shares his 'Day in the Life' from the road during a pilot Roadshow of high schools in the mid-North Coast of New South Wales.

Get excited! Auto-Tutorial Groups in iLearn
Development work has been done on iTeach, which will allow for Unit Convenors to automatically create Tutorial Groups in iLearn, that will be automatically updated when a student changes Tutorial Group in eStudent. Available from S1 2018.

What’s The FHS Process For Session 2 Exams?
Here’s an overview of the main need to know’s for Faculty of Human Sciences Exams…… Exam meetings in the Departments Moderation of assessments should have been taking place throughout the unit offering this session. Recommended that program based committee meetings...

New Special Consideration Policy, From Session 3
The current Disruption to Studies (DTS) process is being replaced with a new Special Consideration policy which takes effect from Session 3 (4th December 2017).

FHS Teacher Of The Week:Tracy Worthington
Dr Tracy Worthington is a Postdoctoral Fellow in the Department of Educational Studies I was born in North Ryde, so I’m excited that this past July my life and career brought me back full circle to here thanks to my...

You Said, We Did! Your Say Staff Survey Feedback
Since the results of the University’s Your Say staff survey were announced in October 2016, a lot of progress has been made in addressing the areas for improvement highlighted by your feedback.

New Look For MultiSearch
The Library is unveiling a new look for MultiSearch on Monday December 4, 2017. Check out the new look and give your feedback.

Gaigest – November 2017
A monthly Arts digest from Faculty of Arts Learning Designer Gai Ramesh