Category: Teaching Practice

Discussions around teaching practice.

Spotlight on practice: Filling condoms with frozen peas … and other ideas for learning – Kelly Gray 

Kelly Gray (Health Sciences) has invested hours experimenting with synchronous and asynchronous activities to find out what works for her students' learning.

/ 9 March, 2022

15 things that every new marker needs to know

A 5-minute activity on marking best practice. Do it. It's worth it!

/ 4 March, 2022

Knock-knock! Will you open the door to your classroom?

There's staff lining up ready to observe teaching practice.

/ 8 February, 2022

Observe teaching in action: it’s a win-win for everyone!

To observe, or to be observed? That is the question.

/ 25 January, 2022
Image planting seeds

Wrapping up a lively year for the teaching and leadership community

Demonstrating that collaboration, collegiality - and community - works for supporting teaching - and teachers.

/ 22 November, 2021

Spotlight on practice: What’s lost – and found – when teaching online – Sarah Powell

Sarah Powell (Education) reflects on the exhilarating, exhausting experience of teaching music education online - and what elements of learning and teaching in-person have to be left behind.

/ 22 November, 2021

Have you tried blind marking yet?

Pros, cons and practical tips for using blind marking in iLearn and Turnitin.

/ 17 November, 2021

Spotlight on practice: Approaching teaching with the engineer’s mindset – Rex di Bona

Rex di Bona (School of Engineering) on approaching university learning and teaching as a series of interesting problems - and solutions!

/ 1 November, 2021