Coming soon – Opportunities to observe experienced teachers in action! Here’s how you can participate.
After a successful pilot last year, we are hoping to offer more opportunities in Session 1 2022 for teaching staff to observe each other in action through our ‘Open for Observation’ program.
But we need your help!
Seeking experienced teachers willing to open their doors
If you are willing to allow other MQ teaching staff to observe one of your classes (maybe a tutorial, seminar, lecture, workshop, either face-to-face or online) we would love to hear from you.

What’s involved:
- You nominate which classes (dates/times) you would like to make available and advise how many observers you would like (this might be just one or two for a small tutorial class, or perhaps a larger number if it’s more of a lecture style class).
- We organise the booking system and staff book in according to their interest.
- You will be advised of who is attending each class. You can decide how much contact you want with each observer, either before or after the class (or both). For example, you might be trying out something new in your class that you would like some specific feedback on.
If you are interested in opening up your class for observation, please contact
Unless we co-teach, we find ourselves in a bubble and while we might think we do things one way or another, we don’t really know that unless we get some feedback from our students and peers. Peers, however, will have a different perspective of what we do and it is good to have a conversation about why we teach the way we do with someone in a similar role.
2021 pilot participant (Observee teacher)
Seeking keen observers to learn by observing teaching
It’s a great opportunity to get another perspective on teaching and to reflect afterwards on your own teaching practice.
We hope to be able to offer a range of different types of classes, from a variety of disciplines across Faculties/schools/colleges for you to select from.
You’ll be in the class with the students, just observing though, not participating or interacting with students yourself. As an observer, you will be provided with a guided Reflection Sheet to record your observations with prompts that will focus on capturing practices and techniques that you may wish to explore for your own teaching development.
Email to your interest in participating as an observer and we’ll contact you when the timetable of classes available for observation is released and accepting bookings (and look out for a TECHE post announcing this too).
It is always good to see what others are doing and how they do it. We so rarely get to experience other people’s teaching environments and practices. As opposed to research, there is much less opportunity to share in the L&T area.
2021 pilot participant (observer)
Enquiries: Contact
Banner image: Shutterstock
Open door photo by Ihor Malytskyi on Unsplash
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