Category: Teaching Online
Resources for teaching online.

Are your ZOOM settings helping or hindering your classroom?
4 Zoom settings you might want to change (or not)

4 ideas for more engaging Zoom lessons
Practical tips and examples for more engaging Zoom lessons

Common encounters with Echo360
We answer the top 10 most frequently asked questions about using Echo360.

Combined forum participation report in iLearn insights
This new report allows you to monitor student participation in online forums.

Schedule emails for the entire session in iLearn insights
Unit Convenors can now schedule emails for the entire session and emails will be sent automatically with a confirmation email sent to the Convenor when the email has been sent.

Accessible online learning for all: automatic transcripts now available in Echo360
From Session 2, every Macquarie student will be able to access a transcript of their lectures and any other videos stored on the Echo360 Active Learning Platform.

Examiners: Submitting an ‘online exam’ to exams office
What examiners need to do in order to submit an 'online exam' to exams office.

Online exam cheating or just confusion?
Academic integrity is complex, doubly so for online exams. Being clear to students about the exam rules will help everyone.

Four ideas for humanising online teaching
Practical tips for calming student anxiety around online learning.