Category: Teaching Online
Resources for teaching online.

Why is a leaf green? How to change an assessment to an inquiry
A simple question like 'Why is a leaf green?' is a good basis for an internet search, and can be the starting point for an assignment whereby students write a report distinguishing 'good evidence' and 'poor evidence'.

Student engagement and personalised messaging through iLearn Insights
iLearn Insights has seen a surge in usage this year and has been useful for sending personalised messages to students through iLearn.

Efficiently create multiple versions of an exam or quiz
The Version Generator tool is ideal for large units where multiple versions of an exam are required, each with different variables in the questions.

Spotlight on practice: Just have a go! Navigating expectations and ‘ticking off’ student participation in online learning – Andrew Burke
Andrew Burke (Law) shares how he adapted (but didn’t lower) his expectations around participation and how practice makes perfect – or at least much more comfortable - when it comes to teaching on Zoom.

Spotlight on practice: How I teach now – Zara Bending
Zara Bending (Law) talks about the opportunities provided by the move to online learning and how she uses her communication 'superpower'!

Zara Bending’s top tools for online learning and teaching
Zara’s pick of the most useful resources she found in the move to all-online learning.

Discover your voice: Final video release – Are your virtual students listening?
Techniques to engage students with your audio and video recordings

Discover your voice: Tips on portraying confidence in your teaching voice
Combat performance anxiety and make voice speed, projection, diction and inflection work for you.

Spotlight on practice: Keeping students on track and motivated – Nathan Hart
Nathan Hart (Biology) shares his intensive approach to student communication this year and his own learnings about iLearn – in-between filming experiments on crickets on his kitchen table.