Category: Supporting Learning

Understand students’ quiz question responses using iLearn Insights
iLearn Insights can help with analysing responses to randomised quiz questions.

How to turn student oral presentations into video assignment submissions
This article shares two different examples of oral presentations converted into video submissions from the Linguistics Department, FMHHS.

Summative peer review of teaching: acknowledging your feedback and the way forward
Find out what was said in response to the discussion paper and what happens next

The Macquarie Feed – the revamped student newsletter
Subscribe to the student newsletter and stay up to date with student news via The Macquarie Feed

Preparing Final Assessments
Top tips for teachers to prepare a final assessment or online exam using Macquarie University iLearn (Moodle).

Academic integrity reporting: What happens once a breach is reported?
The next steps: resolving cases, applying sanctions, procedural fairness and more...

Online learning etiquette
Tips for making the most of learning interactions online (for students and staff)

Academic integrity reporting: a new simplified system to report a breach
If you suspect an academic integrity breach – Just report it! We’ll sort it!

The most common iLearn queries and where you can find the solutions
Self-help for the top 5 hot topics from the iLearn drop in clinic. Not surprisingly, Zoom topped the list!