The iLearn Drop-in Clinic has wrapped up for Session 2 2021 and it was another great success delivering one-on-one help to 157 academic staff over the 3 week period.
The clinic operates in the lead up to every session to provide staff with personalised help with any iLearn issue. The service is supported by learning designers from across all faculties as well as the central Learning & Teaching Team. Lately, for obvious reasons, the clinic has been run over Zoom.
This session we collected stats on the type of issues people were seeking help with to identify areas where additional support and resources are required.
Here are the top 5 iLearn issues and where you can find further help:
No. 1 – Zoom

How to create a Zoom meeting?
How to put Zoom links in an iLearn unit?
How to restrict the Zoom link to a particular tutorial group?
Here’s where to go for Zoom help:
Zoom Quick Guides – step-by-step instructions on how to do all things Zoom
Zoom for Teaching Module – An online self-paced module you can access anytime
Displaying your Zoom links in iLearn – a short video demonstrating the recommended way to set it up
Teche Post – Zooming through Breakout Rooms
Teche Post – 4 ideas for more engaging Zoom lessons
No. 2 – GradeBook

How to set up GradeBook?
How to weight activities in GradeBook?
TIP: It’s important to remember that you need to have entered all your online assessment activities first before you can weight activities in the gradebook.
Here’s where to go for GradeBook help:
GradeBook Quick Guides – step-by-step instructions on how to do all things Gradebook
Faculty of ARTS requirements for setting up the Gradebook
No. 3 – Lecture Recordings

How to record a lecture and add it to an iLearn unit?
How to use a past recording in the current semester?
TIP: The easiest way to record a lecture is to record it via Zoom or Echo360 Universal Capture and upload the recording to your Echo Library. From there you can share the recording in any unit.
Here’s where to go for Echo360 help:
Lecture Recordings Quick Guides – step-by-step instructions on how to do all things Lecture Recordings
Echo360 Universal Capture Module – An online self-paced module you can access anytime
Teche Post – Common encounters with Echo360
Teche Post – Beyond the basics: Echo360
No. 4 – Groups

How to automatically create tutorial groups?
How to restrict access to activities to a particular group?
TIP: Make sure you enable Class Group Sync in iTeach when you activate your iLearn space (although it can be enabled at any time). Class Group Sync automatically creates groups in iLearn based on student enrolments. These groups are refreshed twice daily, meaning that when students change classes in eStudent, these changes will be reflected in these auto-created iLearn groups. It is also possible to manually create groups and groupings.
Here’s where to go for help with Groups:
Group Sync Quick Guides – step-by-step instructions on how to enable Class Group Sync
Groups Quick Guides – step-by-step instructions on how to do all things Groups
Teche Post – Now here’s an easier way to create assignment groups in large units
No. 5 – Turnitin

How to set up a Turnitin assignment?
How to create a rubric and attach it to an assignment in Turnitin?
TIP: When cloning an iLearn unit from one session to another, Turnitin is the only activity that does not copy over and you need to create new Turnitin assignments.
Here’s where to go for Turnitin help:
Turnitin Quick Guides – step-by-step instructions on how to do all things Turnitin
Teche Post – Turnitin setting changes to improve student academic writing
Teche Post – Turnitin: What Percentage Is the Cutoff for Plagiarism?
Still stuck with an iLearn issue?
Drop an email to
Contact your Faculty Learning & Teaching Team

Header image: Business photo created by creativeart –
Question mark image: Photo by Emily Morter on Unsplash
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