Category: Macquarie Business School

From the Macquarie Business School.

Here’s how to get the most out of your LinkedIn profile

In times of great turbulence and uncertainty in employment, how are you ensuring your strengths and experience shine online for employers?

/ 13 July, 2020
old books

Connecting teaching and research through applied and engaged PACE units: A look at ECON381

In the current ERA environment, finding ways to engage with end-users of research is a challenge faced by all academics. ECON381 is a PACE and capstone unit that provides opportunities to connect directly with end-users of research while contributing to...

/ 2 May, 2019
20181031 Murray Taylor VC L&T Awards

Watch Murray’s funny speech at the VC’s L&T Awards 2018

Sharing his very personal and candid story of growth, Dr Murray Taylor, who was the recipient of a Vice-Chancellor Citation Award in Learning and Teaching 2018, had the room in stitches. A moment too good not to share!

/ 14 November, 2018

Thoughts On The Inspired Learning Summit

I recently attended the Inspired Learning Summit at UNSW which focused on 'students as partners'. Check out what I learned about putting students in the centre of design, and about adaptive learning technologies, interactive tools and emerging video trends.

/ 15 October, 2018
students doing groupwork

“Team X” – Developing a Teamwork Experience to Support ‘Teamwork Capable’ Student Employability

Team X, an in-development Strategic Priority Grant Project, aims to arm teachers and learners with the resources needed to create meaningful and successful teamwork experiences. Find out more and get involved >

/ 10 October, 2018
team based learning

Team Based Learning In Practice

A look at Professional Development in Banking and Finance (AFIN881), and how Team Based Learning and closely collaborating with Faculty Career Consultants has significantly improved the student experience.

/ 9 August, 2018
Person participating in Macquarie ModelOff Competition

FBE’s Operation Excel – from MOOCs to ModelOff

To raise awareness and the literacy level of Excel use, FBE embarked on a campaign which included the Excel for Business specialisation on Coursera and the Macquarie ModelOff Competition in the new Financial Decision Lab.

/ 1 June, 2018
Hope Ashiabor - Mike Catabay for Learning Innovation Hub

Professors Profess: Hope Ashiabor

Associate Professor Hope Ashiabor shares how he got into teaching, the challenges of engaging students in Tax Law, the importance of mentors and learning support and ultimately the rewards of teaching.

/ 13 March, 2018

Exchanges are not just for students!

Macquarie has an amazing Staff exchange program for professional staff and I was lucky enough to be part of it.

/ 20 February, 2018