Category: Learning Technologies

Tips on how to get the best out of your learning technologies.

iLearn will be upgraded to a new version in July

Some things change, some stay the same: Here's what to expect.

/ 31 May, 2023

I teach a blendsync class – Here’s what’s in my toolkit: Jasna Novak Milic

Jasna shares her top 5 technology tips so you too can be a smooth hyflex operator.

/ 14 April, 2023

5 years of iLearn Insights at Macquarie University

The multi-award winning iLearn Insights tool celebrates 5 years since it's inception.

/ 4 April, 2023

Comparing ChatGPT to a Calculator and a Search Engine

Exploring the affordances and the implications for information quality.

/ 30 March, 2023

A proposed AI literacy framework

Artificial Intelligence (AI) literacy for staff and students will arguably be the next frontier in developing enhanced employability for many graduates.

/ 30 March, 2023
magnifying glass looking at a tiny robot

Turnitin Artificial Intelligence writing detection

Turnitin's algorithm highlights text predicted to be written by an artificial intelligence tool [update: disabled at MQ]

/ 28 March, 2023
Robot Karate

Assessment resilience considering generative artificial intelligence

Exploring how the top 5 assessment types at MQ can be made more resilient in an AI world.

/ 3 March, 2023

FAQs and resources on ChatGPT / AI for Students and Staff

FAQs and resources on the use of ChatGPT and other generative artificial intelligence tools in learning, teaching and assessment at MQ

/ 3 March, 2023
robot under interrogation

Why does ChatGPT generate fake references?

Uncovering the ingredients that go into robotic porkie pies and some possible sweet dessert at the end.

/ 20 February, 2023