Category: Featured

Featuring our best stories and articles.

Building a community of practice – from go to whoa

Explore the power of a community of practice for collaborative problem-solving, idea sharing, and skill development.

/ 29 May, 2024

Ask us: how do I encourage students to put down their phones in class?

We find the answer: suggestions for cultivating a distraction free learning zone.

/ 23 May, 2024

Enrol now for Beginning to Teach program (starts 25 June)

An introductory teaching program with a practical focus for those who are just starting or have a couple of sessions of university teaching under their belt. Join now and be ready to teach in S2 with increased confidence.

/ 13 May, 2024

Helping students join the dots: implementing a connected curriculum framework

How Linguistics set about boosting student engagement by connecting students to the academic life and research activities of their Department.

/ 7 May, 2024

What entrepreneurship can tell us about teaching in higher education

Entrepreneurship education encourages students to pursue setting up novel business ventures as a viable career option.

/ 19 April, 2024

Connecting the dots: how an internship during my PhD transformed my teaching and research

For PhD candidates, internships can unlock career doors and provide a valuable training ground for honing both research AND teaching skills.

/ 2 April, 2024

Experiments in teaching: shaking up teamwork, assessment and feedback

Nandini Kumar (Accounting and Corporate Governance) has a passion for teaching which drives her to constantly experiment with techniques to engage students and ensure they have the skills to succeed.

/ 14 March, 2024