Student advising information at your fingertips with ‘MyAcademic’
Academic staff can access transcripts, class lists, unit and course information through the ‘MyAcademic’ platform.

Spotlight on practice: How I teach now – Fay Hadley
Fay Hadley (Education) delves into the nitty gritty of bringing students together online and what an authentic ‘online presence’ means for her teaching practice.

Using case studies in the classroom – a workshop to build teaching capabilities
This workshop, open to all MQ academic staff, is offered by MQBS and focuses on the use of case studies in the classroom.

Spotlight on practice: Community-centered teaching and learning – Yi Li
Yi Li (Marketing) demonstrates marketing philosophy in her teaching practice, explaining how she creates a solid online community through a 'consumer-centric' approach to teaching.

Exploring mixed mode teaching delivery
A free cross-institutional community of interest event hosted by UTS

Network with higher education researchers
The #HE Scholars Research Network connects and supports higher education researchers across Sydney-based universities. Next meeting 27 November.

Resilience, re-imagining and recovery: A virtual CAULLT conference
Presentations (including 2 from MQ) on reimagining assessment in the wake of COVID.

A community of practice for teaching and leadership
An invitation to join a network for the Teaching and Leadership job family.

Spotlight on practice: How I teach now – Janet Dutton
Janet Dutton (Education) on how she and her teaching team work to model best practice in online learning for her Master of Teaching students.