The lead-up to a new session can be hectic and stressful for unit convenors. Our collection of links to tips and strategies aims to help you cover all bases and set the stage for a successful session for both you and your students.

Follow these 9 steps to success!

A nationally awarded MQ educator shares her essential checklist for preparing for the session start. Follow her advice to ensure a smooth beginning.

  • S2 classes commence: Monday 22 July.
  • Mid-session break: 16-29 September.
  • Last day of S2 classes: 3 November.
  • S2 Exam period: 4-22 November.
  • Refer to the MQ Academic Calendar for other dates.

Make sure your iLearn site is well organised and engaging.

Your teaching team are critical to the successful running of your unit. 

Early and clear communication eases students’ fears and humanises you as a teacher. 

  • A welcome video helps establish a personal connection with students before the course begins. 
  • Show your commitment by clearly stating that everyone in your classroom will feel valued and respected. Do you have a ‘go-to statement’? If not, see this example.  
  • Provide a written overview and infographic (graphic syllabus) with milestones to clarify the unit structure and key dates. This approach reduces confusion and anxiety, making students feel informed and supported. 
  • Why not take advantage of AI tools such as CoPilot (provided to MQ staff) or ChatGPT to elevate your teaching. For example, you could ask it to improve text readability, create role plays or case studies to make learning more fun and engaging with the added benefit of saving you time. 
  • There is a lot of choice when it comes to poll and quiz tools – this advice will help you choose the right tool for you. 
  • Students say they like variety and you can create engaging learning activities using H5P.

Ensure you have this information to hand for your students at the start of session:

  • Make it clear how students can get in contact with you directly (through the contact block in iLearn) and where they can find out about class changes and other important information, i.e. using iLearn announcements.
  • Let students know what they need to do about sickness, absences, or anything else that might impact their studies (i.e. applying for special consideration).
  • Provide students with this Support link to access the full network of academic, wellbeing and IT services and support available to ensure student success. 
  • Calm your nerves about teaching your first class If you (or any of your teaching team) are teaching for the first time, this first day of teaching checklist will help you prepare. 
  • How good are you at remembering students’ names? Here’s some tips.  
  • Help new commencing undergraduate students get off to a good start – make sure they know about MQ’s KickStart program of activities (running from 11 – 25 July).  
  • Help first year student settle in – here’s one approach.
  • Encourage students to put down their phones in class right from the start.

Make teaching development part of your game plan this session

Questions? Contact

Banner image: Photo by Kyle Head on Unsplash

Posted by L&T Development

The Learning and Teaching Staff Development team works with staff across the University to ensure they are supported to facilitate quality learning for students. This includes offering professional development, contributing to curriculum and assessment design, recognising and rewarding good practice, supporting peer review of teaching, and leading scholarly reflection. Email with questions or requests.

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