Month: September 2023

Assessment Policy Brief: Key changes for 2024
Get ready for consistent submission times, consistent late penalties and timely release of grades.

Seeking your feedback: TEQSA resource on Assessment in the age of AI
Submit your feedback to TEQSA by Friday 20 October 2023.

Exploring different ways to do PACE and WIL
Discover how Unit Convenors are incorporating WIL in their own units: activities, tips and models they are using.

Ask us: What are your go-to resources for informal evaluation of teaching?
We explore different approaches to collecting feedback from students and peers.

Love a good podcast?
Listen to these recommendations from the Learning & Teaching Podcast Discussion Club to challenge your thinking!

Key elements that underpin curriculum design
This MOOC module extends curriculum design to include learner engagement and graduate futures.

Where’s Hector? And why has he been popping up all over campus?
Dr Hector Viveros Tapia (MQBS) is using our beautiful campus to foster connections with, and between, students – and they’re all having a great time in the process!

Academic Senate Top 5, 29th August, 2023
Macquarie University's Academic Senate convened for its fifth meeting of the year on August 29th. Check out the top 5 items from this meeting.

Confused about what shared teaching means?
Here's the official definitions of Co-Badging, Co-Teaching and Co-Locating.