Month: September 2022

Revving up engagement and understanding using augmented reality
Who would have thought to use augmented reality to teach financial modelling? Colin Zhang did and here’s how it went.

Take learning and teaching outdoors to enhance wellbeing
Staff and students are invited to renew their connection with Wallumattagal Campus by taking a sensory walk through our beautiful bush and waterways.

Protecting our intellectual property
Help ensure teaching materials provided to students are used for their intended purpose by adding a statement to your learning materials.

Academic Senate Top 5, August 30th, 2022
On Tuesday 30 August, Academic Senate held its fifth meeting of the year. Check out the top 5 items from the meeting.

Let the Library guide your students to find subject-specific resources
The Library has updated Subject and Research Guides for students with recommended key resources for their discipline, and advice on finding and using information for assignments and research.

Send a message to keep your students on task in breakout rooms
New Zoom feature allows you to communicate and share information with students in breakout rooms, so they are not sitting in the dark wondering what to do.

Turnitin: What percentage is the cutoff for plagiarism?
A revamp of Teche's most popular post of all time answering questions on interpreting similarity reports and if there is a specified cut off to determine plagiarism.

Myth busting the reporting of Learner Experience of Unit surveys
Let's examine the reliability, validity and what is in the LEU survey reports.

Like to know more about using H5P? Join the club!
Short circuit the learning curve by joining the H5P Enthusiasts Club